Hello World!

Hi!  I've been toying around with an idea for a game that combines farming and catching/raising pets for a long time.  I'm just a hobbyist programmer with no formal training and this is a pretty big project to try and tackle so it's been slow going with a lot of false starts.

I submitted a completed farming simulator to a recent game jam and that really helped solidify a lot of the important concepts and systems in my head, I feel like I've got the knowledge required to build this thing.  

Getting the systems to just function has been my major goal up until now, I've put very little thought into how these two concepts will mesh, how to satisfy the exploration and discovery you get from a pokemon-like game, and the sense of ownership/routine/familiarity you get from something like animal crossing or harvest moon.  We'll see if it works, but either way I'm learning a lot and that's fun!

Art is the area I feel like I have the most learning to still do, most of the art in the project is purchased from packs here on itch, some is custom art provided by my brother, a professional artist in LA< and some is just me messing around in aseprite.

That's all for now.  Thanks,



03092024 Web a.zip Play in browser
54 days ago


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I want to play it, but I can't because the web file is not configured correctly

Please, fix it, the idea caught me, and now I want to play it.

huh, works for me, what error message are you getting?  I apologize!